If you’re wondering how to get a smooth finish when painting kitchen cabinets, you’re not alone! Achieving that flawless, professional look is not just about enhancing the aesthetic appeal—it’s also key to ensuring durability. A smooth finish helps your cabinets resist moisture and wear, making them easier to clean and maintain over time.

However, painting kitchen cabinets can come with its set of challenges, such as avoiding drips, streaks, and uneven layers. But fear not! In this guide, I’ll walk you through the steps and share some expert tips to help you master how to get a smooth finish when painting your kitchen cabinets, turning a daunting task into a rewarding DIY project. Whether you’re in Orlando or beyond, these tips will guide you to success in your kitchen update.


cabinet painting preparation- how to get a smooth finish when painting kitchen cabinets

Steps on How To Get A Smooth Finish When Painting Kitchen Cabinets

Painting your kitchen cabinets can totally transform your space, but the trick is getting that smooth, flawless finish—no streaks or brush marks allowed! Whether you’re a seasoned DIYer or a first-time painter, follow these steps to ensure your cabinets look nothing less than professional.

Step 1: Choose the Right Paint

Selecting the right paint type is crucial when figuring out how to get a smooth finish when painting kitchen cabinets. Not every paint out there is up to the task, so let’s focus on what really works best for cabinets.

For kitchen cabinets, your best bet is to use either acrylic latex paint or a special cabinet paint. These types are designed to withstand the frequent cleaning and touching that cabinets endure. Plus, they provide that desired smooth finish that makes your cabinets look professionally done.

Semigloss or gloss are your go-to options when choosing the finish. These finishes not only leave a beautiful, clean look that enhances the overall appearance of your kitchen but also offer practical benefits. A glossier finish means easier cleaning, allowing you to wipe down cabinets without harming the paint, ensuring they continue to look fresh and new.

Step 2: Prep Like a Pro

When it comes to how to get a smooth finish when painting kitchen cabinets, preparation really is the key to success. Here’s how to prep your cabinets like a pro, ensuring the paint job looks sleek and lasts long.

  • Remove Hardware: The first step is to strip your cabinets down to the bare basics. Remove all handles, hinges, and any other hardware. It’s a simple task but makes a huge difference in ensuring your paint job is neat, and you don’t get paint on the metal parts.
  • Clean the Surfaces: Now, let’s get those cabinets squeaky clean. Use a strong degreaser to wipe away years of kitchen grease and grime. This step is crucial because the paint won’t stick well to a dirty surface, and you want that super smooth finish.
  • Sanding: After cleaning, grab some fine-grit sandpaper and give all the surfaces a quick scuff. You’re not trying to strip the cabinets; just roughen up the surface a bit. This creates a better adhesive surface for the primer and paint, which is essential for that flawless finish you’re aiming for.

Step 3: Prime for Perfection

To achieve that professional, sleek finish when painting kitchen cabinets, never underestimate the power of a good primer. Primer is your secret weapon for how to get a smooth finish when painting kitchen cabinets. It not only covers up any old stains and discolorations on your cabinets but also provides a uniform base that enhances the adherence and finish of your topcoat.

Opt for a high-quality stain-blocking primer to ensure the best results. Apply it in a thin, even layer across all cabinet surfaces. This will help avoid drips and thick spots that could show through your topcoat. Make sure the primer dries completely before moving on to painting. This might take a few hours, but it’s a crucial step for that flawless look.

Step 4: Get the Right Tools

The tools you choose for applying paint can greatly affect the finish. To get that ultra-smooth look, here’s what you should use:

  • Foam Rollers and Paint Sprayers: If you want to know how to get a smooth finish when painting kitchen cabinets, skip the traditional brushes that can leave marks and bristles behind. Use a foam roller for large flat surfaces to achieve a smoother finish without brush lines, and for an even finer finish, a paint sprayer is ideal as it distributes paint evenly and quickly, settling into a smooth layer.
  • Using a Mini Roller: A mini roller with a fine foam finish is perfect for reaching tighter spots and edges where a larger roller can’t go. It ensures a consistent, smooth coat over all parts of your cabinets, effectively covering every nook and cranny.

Step 5: Apply Paint Smoothly

When it comes to how to get a smooth finish when painting kitchen cabinets, the application technique is just as important as the tools you use. Start with a thin layer of paint, spreading it evenly across the surface. Allow this first coat to dry completely, which can take a few hours, depending on the paint and environmental conditions. Once it’s dry, apply a second thin coat. This layering technique takes a bit more time but is essential for preventing drips and achieving a smooth finish.

Always paint in the same direction (aligned with the grain of the wood, if visible) to ensure a uniform appearance. Keep your edge wet—if you’re painting a large area, overlap the edges before the paint dries to avoid creating lines or lap marks. This approach helps maintain a seamless look as you extend your painting across the surface.

Step 6: Finish with a Polish

Applying a clear sealer is an excellent way to add an extra layer of protection, especially in a high-traffic area like a kitchen. A sealer can prevent the paint from chipping, staining, and wearing, which is crucial in maintaining that smooth finish over time.

While this step is optional, it’s highly recommended if you want to extend the life of your paint job. It’s a simple addition that can significantly impact your cabinets, ensuring they look as good as new for longer.

Final Thoughts

Getting that perfect smooth finish when painting kitchen cabinets boils down to thorough preparation, meticulous application, and patience. Ensuring each step—from cleaning and sanding to priming and painting—is done carefully and correctly sets the stage for stunning results. Remember, the effort you put in during these stages makes all the difference in the durability and appearance of your finish, especially when you’re focused on how to get a smooth finish when painting kitchen cabinets.

If you’re aiming for a hassle-free experience and top-notch quality, consider enlisting professional help from Cabinet Coating Kings. Hiring expert cabinet painters saves you time and guarantees a high-quality finish, utilizing the best techniques and products. Serving areas like Dallas and Alexandria, Cabinet Coating Kings is ready to help you achieve the kitchen makeover you envision with ease and expertise.

Call us at 407-917-9535 for a FREE estimate and start your transformation journey today, ensuring you master how to get a smooth finish when painting kitchen cabinets!